EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/2023
Please inspect your shipment upon arrival. Report any damage or shipping related breakage immediately to the carrier. We do not accept returns for damaged parts unless they have been reported to the carrier at time of receipt. Items damaged in transit require a claim to be filed with the carrier and is subject to their policies. Please consult the carrier for further information.
You have 14 days from the shipment date to report to us any shortages (missing items) else we assume you received the entirety of your shipment, at which point we will not process any further claims for such shortages related to that shipment.
If you’re not satisfied with one of our products due to defect or misrepresentation, you may return your new, unused item within 30 days (postmarked) of purchase, subject to certain restrictions, for a refund or exchange.
The following items are non-returnable, and we offer no refunds:
- Any product that (in our opinion) was used, installed, handled, packaged, or shipped improperly by the customer.
- Wheels and/or tires, that have been mounted or cut.
- Custom, special order or closeout parts.
- Hazardous materials, including flammable liquids and gasses. Contact the manufacturer directly for claims.
- Gaskets, that have been opened.
- Electronics (Batteries, Switches, Sensors, Relays, Actuators, Valves, Regulators, Coils, Modules, Pickups, Pumps, Solenoids, Resistors, Computers, Wires, etc)
- Discs (DVD/Blu-Ray/CD, including videos and software) and other copyright materials (Books/Other Print Materials/Tapes), that have been opened.
- Gift certificates.
Contact us to receive an RMA number.
Re-pack the item in a sturdy shipping box and include a copy of your invoice with the RMA number noted on it.
Returns must be shipped prepaid by the customer unless you’ve received an incorrect part due to our error or the part was defective, whereby we will send you a shipping label for return shipment (either via E-mail or mail) when you request your RMA number. CODs are not accepted.
Shipping costs for exchanged materials will be charged to your credit card.
If your order included any “special offer” or “free parts” included, they must also be returned, or the value will be deducted from your refund.
All returns are subject to inspection.
Given the nature in which parts made and sold by Proformance Pros, LLC are used, we do not provide a warranty of any type for wear, damage, breakage or for any other reason.
Parts returned without a valid defect are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
Parts not returned in their original, undamaged packaging or container are subject to a 15% repackaging fee.
If, upon completed return, you would like to receive a refund to your credit/debit card, please request it when you request the RMA. All returns are otherwise held as a credit on account unless you request a check be mailed to you.
Credits held on account are available for your use at your discretion and will not automatically be applied to future invoices until you ask that they be used. These credits will expire and be written off after one year from the date of the credit invoice.
Questions regarding our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Return Policy, or other policy related material can be directed to our support staff by clicking on the "Customer Service" link on this site. Or you can E-Mail us at: